









1. 本人確認已一併閱讀私人貸款合約之細節及其本協議及其條款及細則,並其他與私人貸款申請相關的表格及文件。
2. 本人同意在任何情況下,海德國際財務有限公司根據私人貸款合約條款及細則具行駛凌駕性權利要求提早償還貸款。
3. 本人根據《電子交易條例》(香港法例第五五三章)第十五條同意並確認海德國際財務有限公司以電子記錄或以電子方式向本人提供藉香港法律須以書面形式提供之資料(包括但不限於放債人條例(香港法例第一六三章)。本人同意以由海德國際財務有限公司發出作本合約及其條款及細則,並以電子簽署,而該電子簽署符合《電子交易條例》(香港法例第五五三章)第六條所列之目的;並該電子簽署應被視為合約的正式簽署,並符合《放債人條例》(香港法例第一六三章)第十八條第一章所列之情況;所使用的方法(包括識別身份,鑑定及批核)是可靠和適當的。
4. 如本文件之中英文版內容有任何歧異,以英文版為準。

1. I, the Borrower, confirm that I have read and understood the attached particulars of Personal Loan Agreement in conjunction with this Agreement, the Terms and Conditions and any other forms and documents forming part of your Personal Loan Agreement.
2. I agree that Ocean Allied Finance Limited has the right to accelerate this loan in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
3. I consent to being given any information by Ocean Allied Finance Limited in connection with this loan application in the form of an electronic record or by electronic means pursuant to Section 15 of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553, The Laws of Hong Kong), and acknowledge that such information may be required to be given by Ocean Allied Finance Limited to me in writing pursuant to Hong Kong law, Including but not limited to the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap. 163, The Laws of Hong Kong). I agree and consent that the electronic signatures indicate the agreement and approval of the Agreement and the Terms and Conditions constitutes my electronic signature thereon for the purpose of Section 6 of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553, The Laws of Hong Kong); such electronic signature shall be deemed to be my personal signature on the Agreement and hence satisfies the requirements of Section 18(1) of the Money Lenders Ordinance (Cap. 163, The Laws of Hong Kong); and the method used for identification and indication of authentication and approval is reliable and appropriate.
4. The English version of this document shall prevail in case of the discrepancy with the Chinese version.
I hereby agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions contemplated to this loan under the Agreement and the Terms and Conditions. I acknowledge that both Ocean Allied Finance Limited and I consent that any form of electronic and physical signature or consent is reliable and appropriate form of my signature. Further, I acknowledge that the Agreement together with Terms and Conditions are made conditional upon Ocean Allied Finance Limited having issued the Final Confirmation.